Liam in Africa

This is a blog dedicated to Liam Hanks' trip to The Gambia. Please feel free to leave comments! Be sure to check out the Archives for older posts so you can get the whole story!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Milk and Eggs!

Over the last three days I have been able to find, and buy, eggs, and milk (powdered)! The milk was interesting to try and mix. I don't have a container (not a pot or anything!) that can hold 2 litres (the required amount for the mix I bought), so I had three or four pots out on my "Kitchen Desk", and had partly mixed milk in each one, powder and water was going everywhere... not an activity for the faint of heart! Somehow I don't think I'll be buying milk too often! Nonetheless, both the milk and the egss are most exciting discoveries. Oh! And cereal too! Corn flakes... cost an arm and a leg! Almost D100 (...well... about $3.70US, but still...)
I am most certainly NOT on a beach in PEI, although there are times I wish I was. I will try the thumbnail thing I guess... but it will have to be pretty small...
The weather is beautiful, every day, Sunny and 30 degrees, without fail! Actually its kind of weird not to see any cloudy days or rain, snow, slush etc. NOT that I'm complaining! I'm not really working yet, still waiting for the previous class to have their graduation so I can start interviewing for the "advanced" class I'll be teaching. I usually don't have much time to look at the family net, although I may have to make some time! It takes me normally about an hour just to see my emails and post something on here!
I'm happy to hear too that there are still things Grandpa is trying to learn about the "damn thing", brings me great joy to hear it! He will be happy to hear, however, that his backups have been working flawlessly for the last while, I'm still getting the emails from his computer every morning - actually they take up quite a bit of room in my inbox "gahanks - Notification from Norton Ghost... HAHA!


  • At Sunday, May 07, 2006 11:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Liam, funny about the milk. perhaps you could take one or two tablespoons per cup of water.
    Sounds like you're getting used to the sound more cheerfull
    Went to Walter's bd party today..they have a great ramp. Maria's grandson was there. He's 6"5 and is only 14 yrs old. Scary!
    Everything is getting green here.
    Love to see your comments.
    Love you too.

  • At Monday, May 08, 2006 5:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Liam! I have been keeping up on your blog (reading wise) and I suddenly realized that I haven't left a comment. So, here it goes.


    Well, that was fun.
    Nice talking to you...

    ...just kidding

    ...or am I ...

    ...Okay, yeah I am. I'm done.

    Glad to hear that everything is going better. It's wierd on the weekends without the surround-sound-Liam. That was funny. You must be enjoying the warm weather. This week here is nice...well, nice for NS. It's only about 18 degrees, but it counts. Lots of lawn mowing going on. Nothing exciting.

    Anywho, keep smiling.

  • At Monday, May 08, 2006 8:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Serrekunda market is great for household items. It's a HUGE market and totally scares me; if you can find someone to go with- I'd recommend it. Don't take pictures there, though- the people are used to toubabs taking their photo and then using the pictures on postcards- they do not like that.

    I didn't eat cereal when I was there because I didn't like the powdered milk and hate the UHT milk. I ate oatmeal every morning, and sometimes tapalapa with jam. Oatmeal is a pretty cheap alternative. D100 is a lot of money!

    Any of the bitiks (the little stores along the sides of the smaller streets, where you get tapalapa) will sell you eggs. They're never refridgerated, but I never got sick once. Let me know if you need any questions answered!

    (alice AT typealice DOT com)

  • At Monday, May 08, 2006 10:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Liam - I'm sure you can find an inexpensive 2-litre pitcher or container of some kind for your milk! Buying one can be your goal this week. Good news about the eggs. Now for some fruit and veggies ... (I sound like your mother. Oh, I AM your mother).

  • At Tuesday, May 09, 2006 6:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Liam: So glad to hear you are finding things you need and are finding adventure in the smallest things . . . like mixing milk! Don't forget to get pictures of your place and your attempts at doing things . . . like mixing milk! The weather sounds amazing there and the beach sounds rather lovely! Did you take a picnic?

  • At Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I have been helping Grandpa via remote support so his support needs are being attended to. Would you like me to change the notification so your IN Box doesn't fill up? Let me know...

    Sounds like you're doing well - although I suspect it is still pretty lonely. I found another quote that I thought I would share "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear."

    I, and I suspect I am not alone, am in awe of your courage.

    Love you,

  • At Monday, May 15, 2006 6:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Liam,
    Your Toronto cousins (once removed) are following your wonderful adventure with great interest!!!! Keep the blogs coming!
    Lenore Atwood


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