Liam in Africa

This is a blog dedicated to Liam Hanks' trip to The Gambia. Please feel free to leave comments! Be sure to check out the Archives for older posts so you can get the whole story!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Last African Post

So. We come to the end of things.

The last week has been very busy. I've been working with Barbara Arrington to update and expand...and redesign the National Spiritual Assemly's website. What a job! We spent a solid four days working on it, revising it...and then trying to upload it (not fun, with the internet as slow as it is, then Gamtel was constantly having problems and shutting the internet off entirely, and finally the power was coming on and off... ugh.)

I got out to the craft/tourist market yesterday and spent a rather large fortune on gifts, souvenirs and assorted objects of interest. You will all have to wait the five days until I get home to find out the details about all of that - can't give away any surprises! ;)

Last night we had a wonderful fireside and going-away party (surprise) for me! I gave a short talk about the Love of God as the fireside portion, and then (because of Ramadan, and the Musilm guests who were there) we ate, and had wonderful cake. The NSA also presented a really nice certificate of appreciation for all the work I've done over the last few months. :)

This morning, as usual on Sundays, we had a devotional gathering at Latrikunda - my last Sunday devotional!! :( It was sad that I won't be going to any more. They have really become part of my life, and I've noticed that if I miss a week I really regret it; and by the next weekend I feel spiritually starved! Mom: I hope your devotionals are going well, if not we'll be starting a regular one once I get home!

This afternoon was the graduation for my computer students. Again, it was really nice, but sad to know that that was probably the last time I will ever see any of those people - although I've been telling people that I want to come back in a few years for a vacation/visit - and I plan to do that. Almost all of the students got my email address too, so hopefully they will keep in touch.

You're probably all wondering where the pictures are... I have them. If you seriously think I'm going to spend half an hour waiting for pictures to upload when I can show them to you all in-person, and with commentary (ooooooohhhhhhh...); you're crazy. I will also put them all up on here once I get home to nice, fast internet (my mouth is watering now...)

This has been an absolutely incredible experience - one unlike anything I'd ever dreamed possible. This was not just a few months spent living in Africa, teaching computers. This was as much a spiritual journey as it was a physical one, and spiritually, I have come as far as I have physically, if not further. I spent most of my time not teaching or preparing teaching materials reading Baha'i literature. I have discovered what it means to be a Baha'i for myself, instead of simply accepting what has been told to me. I have learned more about who I am and what I am capable of accomplishing, and have discovered the true happiness that service can bring. I have not had high speed internet, or cable TV, or for that matter, what I would consider 'normal' food. I have been homesick, and physically sick, my principal means of transportation has been a bicycle, and a 'day off' for me has meant that I'm not biking 14 kms to teach computers and come home, I'm biking 14 kms to prepare materials for future instructors to use, and come home. But in Because of all this; I have been happier than ever before, and I feel more spiritually in tune with myself than I ever fathomed possible.

I will never forget this, and I will never be the same person I was in April when I left. I have grown, I have expanded, I have devoloped too much to return to my previous state - and I'm loving the 'me' I have become! And that's just the personal side of it.

This is my last post from The Gambia, but I will have wrap-up posts even once I return, so don't stop visiting me yet! Thanks everyone for dropping by and leaving your comments - you've made me feel so much closer to home! Can't wait to see you - in 5 days!!